Site:Home >  API Interface Description
Domain Name Parameters Details:
1.Below commands should include:
Username:Your cnobin account name     Password:Your cnobin account password (better by MD5)
2.Below parameters should be sent by post

Domain Renewal:

Input Parameters:

Enter the commands ahead of the following parameters to renew domain:

Param NameDefinitionMax Size
domain The requested domain name 67
term Register periods (1,2,5 or 10) 2
expirationdate expiration date,This parameter is optional 10

NOTE: expiration date is optional parameter, Form:YYYY-MM-DD. e.g. 2003-05-20. If this attribute be chosen, the gap is no more than 2 days with the registry record. For invalid value, should return error message, give proper date basis.

Response codes and messages:

For successful renewal:
200 Command completed successfully

For in processing:
201 order unprocess

For failed renewal due to domain taken already:
554 Domain already registered

For missing attribute:
504 Missing required attribute
Message: Missing Attribute

For invalid attribute:
505 Invalid attribute value syntax

For system busy:
521 System is busy, try again later

For the reseller doesn't have enough money on their account:
402 There is not enough money in account